5 days ago20 min read
Dynamics of the Syrian Revolution (1)
Part One: Independence, class struggle and state capitalism [ Author’s note : this is the first instalment in a two-part series, ...
a radical journal of politics,history and culture
My name is Brian Lyons and this is my blog. For reasons explained in the About page, it is named Black Dwarf after its namesake which was published during the revolutionary upheaval of early 19th century Britain.
I am not here to promote any political party or a particular cause. Instead, I hope the blog becomes a journal that acts as a tribune of the oppressed. Within this journal you will find informative and sometimes polemical articles on a range of international and historical topics. These will of course reflect my viewpoint which is unashamedly written from the standpoint of the international working class and its allies.
If you take your time to look around you should also find a selection of videos of varying lengths as well as a smattering of song and poetry to help lighten and enlighten our journey.